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Thesis/Dissertation Guidelines

Thesis/Dissertation Guidelines

Students must follow the college thesis/dissertation guidelines when formatting their document. A template has been posted for students to review when formatting in MS Word. Other programs such as LaTeX may also be used, but the college/university guidelines must be followed. Please contact your department graduate coordinator or graduate secretary, if you have further questions. For more resources and information, visit BYU Grad Studies.

  • Thesis & Dissertation Checklist (Download) Updated 11/29/2022
  • Thesis & Dissertation MS Word Template (MS Word) Updated 08/22/2022

The LaTeX version of the college thesis/dissertation template can be found on Github at By clicking on the green  <> Code  button, you can download a zip file of the template or clone the template repo. Suggestions for improvement can be submitted under the Issues tab.

The LaTeX version of the college thesis/dissertation template is also available on Overleaf: Overleaf is a cloud-based LaTeX compiler and is an easy way to start using LaTeX and a convenient way to access the college LaTeX template. To access and use the template in Overleaf, you will first need to register (create an account) on