Dean's List Summer 2023 Skip to main content

Dean's List Summer 2023

To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must carry a minimum of 14 credits in a semester (or 7 credits in a term) with a semester/term GPA of at least 3.5 and be ranked in the top 5 percent of the college for the semester/term.

Baker, Dane Hansen
Bekker, Dylan Lee
Bell, Sumner Andrew Easton
Blaylock, Ethan Mathias
Brescia, Samuel Timothy
Cluff, Dallin Eric
Duke, Kyle Hambleton
Estoque, Nathan Brian
Farnsworth, Jesse Michael
Fowler, Kensley Jade
Gammoh, Ramez Jacob Khalil
Hancey, Jackson Mark
Harris, Rachel Corinne
Harvey, Joshua Robert
Henstrom, Stephen Lee
Holm, Anna Elizabeth
Jensen, Dillon Reilly
Johns, Elleanor Madison
Marcello, John
Noble, Thomas Peter
Parks, Artissma Sonrisa
Sevy, Haylee Gretchen
Simpson, Aubrey Rachelle
Spackman, Megan Kathleen
Teuscher, Isaac Henry
Williams, Raylen
Wu, Keona Song-Ning