Dean's List Fall 2018
To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must carry a minimum of 14 credits in a semester (or 7 credits in a term) with a semester/term GPA of at least 3.5 and be ranked in the top 5 percent of the college for the semester/term.
Akagi, David | Lillywhite, David Joshua |
Allen, Thomas Kadyn | Linnell, Matthew Dale |
Anthony, Aaron A | Lloyd, Tate Wallace |
Aposhian, Adam Lawrence | Lunt, Camille Cherie |
Ashby, Kent Mayson | Mac Gregor, Ian Patrick |
Awerkamp, Jared Tyler | McAllister, Zachary David |
Babbitt, Alexander Joel | McDonald, Connor Christopher |
Bacon, Isaac Lee | McDonald, Mark Nichols |
Barrett, Nathan Davis | McDowell, Cole Gregor |
Beard, Elise Cassandra | Meyer, Gabriel Scott |
Beazer, Ryan Todd | Meyer, Zachary Carpenter |
Bevan, Sharisse Ann | Moon, Brady Gordon |
Black, Derek John | Morgan, Dane Alexander |
Black, Trevor | Nelson, Aaron Michael |
Blackwell, Trey | Nelson, Brian David |
Blake, Sariah | Nelson, Joseph Andrew DeLaMare |
Boekweg, Evan James | Nelson, Joseph Brent |
Bradshaw, Sarah Faith | Nelson, Kolby Raine |
Briggs, Ian Christopher | Nelson, Nathanael Adams |
Brooks, Waveney Ann | Neyman, Tyler James |
Brown, Logan Stewart | Nielsen, Kayci Ai |
Camp, Tucker Cray | Norman, Kalin David |
Chipman, Aaron Jakob | Nowjack, Jacob Robert |
Chou, Ryan Swun-Bwo | Nydegger, Alissia |
Christensen, Harrison J | Nysetvold, Jared Taylor |
Clawson, Calvin Clawson James | Oh, Shane C |
Clay, Katri Rachelle | Olsen, Andrew Bryan |
Clayton, Samuel Stone | Olsen, Dallan Weber |
Clift, Cassandra Denise | Olson, Ammon Joseph |
Clyde, Brian Jay | Opdahl, Hanna Belle |
Cole, David Lewis | Openshaw, Martin Randall |
Cooper, Creighton James | Parker, Christopher Lindsay |
Corbett, Jaron Austin | Passey, Nathan Dale |
Cornaby, Skyler Reed | Paxton, Caroline |
Cosby, Clarissa Bryanne | Peterson, Anton David |
Dame, Logan Cragun | Peterson, Mason Burgon |
Danby, Bridger Reese | Pierce, Melanie Ann |
Davis, Jacob Michael | Pike, Levi Thomas |
Davison, Chester Daniel | Ploeg, Sequoia Chin |
Day, Tanner Brokaw | Poff, Jason William |
Drake, Tyson | Porter, Nathan Sanford |
Draper, Tyra Zanne | Powell, Kaden MacRae |
Durfey, Carter David | Pratt, Anna Catherine |
Dye, Scott Ellis | Price, Cameron Todd |
Dye, Stanley Scott | Pulsipher, Andrew David |
Ebert, Jamison Richard | Quinlan, David Michael |
Edgerton, Brent Alan | Ransom, Alyson Nichole |
Edwards, Christopher Hyde | Rawson, Richard Hunter |
Ellis, Caden Richardson | Redd, Bryan Dixon |
Escamilla, Aleczander Nolan | Redford, Hayden Michael |
Evans, Kyle Brent | Reeves, Jeffrey Dale |
Everson, Daniel L | Reid, Charles Junius |
Fails, Amanda Jo | Romney, Derek Christian |
Famuliner, Sharon Lynn Hendrix | Rosevear, Sara Danielle |
Farnsworth, Benjamin Stafford | Sasser, Morgan Nelson |
Fish, Davin Trey | Sawyer, Peter Timothy |
Flanary, Dakota Lee | Schmidt, Jacob Jack |
Frandsen, Jacob Roberts | Schwantes, Trevor Fielding |
Free, Tyler Jordan | Scoffield, Sydney |
Frei, Rebecca | Searcy, Matthew Robert |
Fuller, Ranon Gery | Senkans, Matiss |
Gehlbach, Mitchell Edward | Severson, Luke Ryan |
George, Brent Daniel | Short, Riley Michelle |
Gibson, Eric Easton | Simmons, Matthew Troy |
Goddard, Rachel Lynne | Smith, Garrett Michael |
Goodrich, Kevin Mark | Smith, Joel Brian |
Green, Jeremy Colton | Smith, Paul |
Greer, Haley Nicole | Smith, Robert Evan |
Griffith, Stephen Byron | Smith, Samuel Harrison |
Guanuna, Elias Ottomar | Smith, Valerie Pascale |
Gunther, Hyrum Samuel | Snow, Brandon Drumright |
Hancock, Matthew Max | Stagg, Grant Gordon |
Handy, Jonathan David | Stewart, Dallin Paris |
Hanson, Hannah | Stirk, Wesley Raymond |
Harris, Jarom Riley | Stoddard, Matthew Gerald |
Harris, Rachel July | Storey, Kyle |
Harris, Shinjin | Strahl, William Riley |
Harrison, Spencer James | Stratford, Jacob Scott |
Hasleton, Christopher | Strong, Garrett Philip |
Hendrix, Macy Noel | Stutz, Wade Nelson |
Hilton, Ivonne Jacqueline | Sypherd, Christopher Nathan |
Hilton, Ryan George | Taylor, Kennedy Lynn |
Hilton, Scott Christopher | Taylor, Luke Eldon |
Holland, Katie Nicole | Tebbs, Daniel |
Holt, Wesley James | Thompson, Parker Ralph |
Hoose, Luke Michael | Timmerman, Brandon David |
Howarth, Joel Edward | Tingey, Sara |
Howes, Nolan H | Tolman, Tiana |
Huang, Jing Song | Topham, Parker |
Iannicelli, Lorena | Torgesen, Andrew Joseph |
Jacobs, Dallin Joseph | Townsend, McLane Bradley |
Jacobson, Mitchell Rex | Trainor, Andrew Burton |
James, Benjamin David | Uchytil, Daniel Kirk |
Jardine, Logan Hamilton | Van Orman, Skyler James |
Jensen, Benjamin Moroni | Vanfleet, Ryan Bay |
Jensen, Hunter Dallin | Vause, Joshua Robert |
Jensen, Ian Matthew | Welling, Truman J |
Jensen, Jacob Rich | Westover, Clarissa Celeste |
Jensen, Nathan Peter | Wetenkamp, John Isaac |
Jensen, Scott Michael | Wheeler, Isaac Stonewall |
Jepson, Nathan Hamilton | Whipple, Adam Gary |
Johnson, Allison Nicole | Whipple, Boston Scott |
Johnson, Jacob Collin | White, Justin Scott |
Johnson, Riley Delmar | Whiting, Timothy Ammon |
Jones, Nicholas | Williams, Joshua Michael |
Jordan, Alexander David | Willis, Jacob Barrott |
Karlinsey, Benjamin Robert | Wilson, Ashley Jane |
Kim, Hyeryeong | Wilson, Halle |
Kittiyopas, Napasakorn | Wilson, Natasha Jensen |
Kjar, Joshua Benjamin | Winters, Jimmothy Laurence |
Klingaman, Jacob Leavitt | Wolfley, Benjamin |
Knadler, Skyler Emmitt | Wolfley, KatieAnn Elizabeth |
Kuhnen, Anneke | Wursten, Alexis Jeanne |
Larson, Riley Scott | Wynn, Patrick |
Lay, Kalliyan Destany | Yates, Jared Alan |
Lewis, Elise Arianna | Zeller, Carson |
Lichtenberg, Bryson Clair |