Supporting student participation in competitions through funding and mentoring is a key Weidman Center strategy for developing leadership skills in you and your fellow engineering students. Competitions provide opportunities for you to apply the principles you learn in classrooms to solve realistic problems, lead under pressure, and be mentored by faculty advisors and others. Below are some of the competitions your peers have participated in.
Engineering Competitions
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Student Innovator of the Year Competition
SIOY:The BYU College of Engineering and Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology host an annual competition for students to prototype and present their ideas, with the chance to win part of $50,000 in prize money.
Apps Competition:The App Competition, hosted by BYU's Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology offers student teams the opportunity to develop an app and compete for up to $15,000 in prize money. Big Idea Pitch: The Big Idea Pitch is a competition where students present their ideas, receive mentoring and feedback, and win up to $10,000 to use for their validation needs.
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External Competitions
AUVSI SUAS: A competition that requires student teams to design, integrate, report on, and demonstrate a UAS capable of autonomous flight and navigation, remote sensing via onboard payload sensors, and execution of a specific set of tasks. Bench to Bedside: A medical device design competition hosted by the University of Utah. Students for diverse teams to innovated, consult with medical and industry professionals, protect their intellectual property, and present their efforts at the end of the academic year. Resources such as workshops, free patent writing, funding and 3D printers are available. DBIA Student Competition: The National Design-Build Student Competition provides students with the opportunity to create a project with a team, present their design to industry professionals, and earn national recognition. Hatch Pitch: A pitch competition where students have four minutes to present their startup to judges for a chance to win $1,000,000. Rice Business Plan Competition: A competition for graduate students to design a business plan in three-days, present it to the judging panel, and compete to win $10,000 in prize money. SCG Bangkok Business Challenge:A global competition for start-ups, to compete for H.M. The King of Thailand’s Trophy, as well as cash prizes of over $60,000. University Rover Challenge: A competition for students to design and build the next generation of Mars Rover. Students can win cash prizes, a trip to present at the annual International Mars Society Convention. Electrical, computer, manufacturing, mechanical and computer engineering students often participate. Visit BYU's Rover Team website to learn more about BYU's participation in the challenge. Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research:Undergraduate students from all disciplines present their work in a scholarly setting.