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Leadership Certificate

Leadership Certificate, Lucky Bahati

What is it?

The BYU Engineering Leadership Certificate is an opt-in, non-academic leadership development program sponsored by the Weidman Center for Global Leadership.

What do I get out of it?

  • Growth, personal development, and increased confidence with no extra courses
  • Increased ability to serve
  • Valuable experience and training to share with prospective internship and employment providers
  • Accomplishment to share on your professional profile
  • You receive a $400 award halfway through the program and another $600 award at completion
  • Personal letter from the college describing your accomplishment
  • Leadership program certificate
  • Medallion to wear at college graduation

Who can participate?

  • BYU students of any major housed in the Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering
  • Sophomores or Juniors enrolled in 200 level or above major courses
  • Seniors or Grad Students with two academic years left in their program or a viable plan to finish six weeks before graduation
  • 3.0 cumulative GPA or above

How do I start?

Apply today using the button below! Applications are always open. Join any time of the year while keeping in mind the need to finish six weeks before graduation. We want as many in the program as can participate (see above).

What's required?

1. Read 2 leadership books + reflections
2. Attend 5 Weidman Center Leadership Workshops and 1 mentor session + surveys
3. Participate in 2 engineering experiences + reports on goals
4. Exit Survey + Interview

The program is designed to be done at your own pace over the course of your degree, so students find it highly doable. Requirements may be done in any order. You need to be admitted into the program before you begin the requirements.

Once admitted, you will be added to the program’s Learning Suite Community where you access information, submit requirements, and track your progress.

For more details, check out the BYU Engineering Leadership Certificate Program Document.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: How do I apply for the Leadership Certificate program?
    A: Click on the "Apply Now" button above and complete the application form.

    Q: Does the Leadership Certificate program replace the 231 Foundations for Global Leadership course requirements for my major?
    A: No. You will still need to take the Foundations for Global Leadership course or its equivalent if it is required for your major. Since the Leadership Certificate program is extra-curricular, it does not satisfy any course requirements. Some engineering study abroad programs include 231 in their curricula and since they are approved experiences, you may use that study abroad to count as one Leadership Certificate experience. However, you may not use readings required for 231 to count toward the Leadership Certificate literary study requirement.

    Q: Do I get academic credits for enrolling in the Leadership Certificate program?
    A: No. The Leadership Certificate is not an academic program, so no credits are associated and it will not show on your transcript. The intent of this program is NOT to add credits to your academic load, but to develop you personally as a leader and make you more employable. Additionally, the Leadership Certificate encourages you to explore out-of-classroom experiences that will increase your confidence and ability to serve others with your new technical skills.

    Q: How do I inform the committee that I have finished all the requirements for the Leadership Certificate program?
    A: Submit the Exit Survey found under the Exams tab in the Learning Suite Community. Then send an email to the global_leadership@byu.edu to set up your exit interview.

    Q: Can sophomores and juniors in Leadership Certificate finish as a grad student if they go to BYU for grad school?
    A: No. Leadership Certificate is intended to take 2-3 years to complete. If the Leadership Certificate is started in one's sophomore or junior year, that student must finish by the time they complete their undergraduate degree.

    Q: I have other questions. Who do I contact for answers?
    A: Contact the Weidman Center Leadership Committee at global-leadership@byu.edu.

  • Q: Can an experience that is tied to class credit be used for the Leadership Certificate program?
    A: One out of the two required experiences can be tied to class credit.

    Q: I will be a leader with my club, can I use that as an experience?
    A: Club leadership varies greatly from club to club. If you believe your experience matches the outlined guidelines, submit a proposal form found under the exams tab in Learning Suite. You will receive feedback on it in one to two weeks.

    Q: Can I spread my 30 hours over longer than a semester?
    A: Though the experience can last longer than one semester, the minimum 30 hours must be completed within one semester. This is to ensure active participation and an engaging experience.

    Q: Can I count my capstone project?
    A: Capstone classes must be approved by the committee. Please submit an Experience Proposal. Be aware though that only one experience can be tied to class credit out of your two.

    Q: I am working on a 'capstone' project, but I am not using it for graduation, can this count?
    A: Yes, just submit an Experience Proposal form in Learning Suite and wait for approval.

    Q: I will be doing an internship; can I count that?
    A: Internships must be approved by the committee and must meet all other criteria in order to be considered for approval. Please submit an Experience Proposal.

    Q: I did a study abroad or other applicable experience before enrolling in the certification program, can I still count it?
    A: Experiences must be completed after enrolling in the program.

    Q: When are my experience reports due?
    A: Written and verbal experience reports are due three weeks after the experience is completed.

    Q: How do I turn in my experience reports?
    A: Written reports can be submitted via Learning Suite. Verbal experience reports can be scheduled by emailing global-leadership@byu.edu with the subject line "LC Presentation Request".

  • Q: What books are approved?
    A: See list https://reserve.lib.byu.edu/course/30265/

    Q: How do I get a book approved that is not on the approved reading list?
    A: Submit a Book Proposal form in the Learning Suite Community under the Exams tab. You will receive an email with approval or denial within approximately 2 weeks of submission.

    Q: Are the reflections graded or accepted based on completion?
    A: Reflections are based upon completion, but are expected to be high quality. Similar to a pass/fail structure, reflections that are not clear, concise, and well-written will not be accepted and must be reworked.

    Q: When are my book reflections due?
    A: Book reflections on Learning Suite are due three weeks after you finish reading the book.

  • Q: When are the Leadership Workshops?
    A: Look for the workshop schedule on the Weidman Center homepage’s Workshops quicklink and advertising in the engineering buildings.

    Q: Do I have to go to all the workshops every year?
    A: You have to attend each of our five workshops. You can attend five in one year or spread your attendance out over more than one year.

    Q: How do I report that I went to the workshop?
    A: Submit the survey corresponding to the workshop you attended. These surveys are found on the Learning Suite Community under the Exams tab.

    Q: When are my survey responses due?
    A: Leadership Workshop surveys must be submitted by the 48-hour deadline on Learning Suite (ex: the survey for a workshop held on Tuesday is due on Thursday @ 11:59PM)