Student Spotlight

Meet Davi Cavinatto
Davi Cavinatto, a junior in Electrical Engineering, came all the way from Porto Alegre, Brazil to study at BYU. However, his journey in Engineering didn’t just start at BYU. Not only has Davi been interested in engineering since he was young, but his high school had an integrated program with a local university where he was able to be taught by engineering professors. Even before receiving his technical diploma, Davi received real world experience through an internship where he was able to help repair medical devices. It was because of this internship that he decided to go into Electrical Engineering with Biomedical Engineering as his focus.
After his mission, Davi started at BYU-I before deciding to transfer to BYU to dive further into the biomedical opportunities available here. One of these opportunities is the MRI research facility where he is a research assistant. Davi loves being able to work with different medical devices and learning more about the biomedical field.
Perhaps one of the most impressive things about Davi is his drive and dedication to learn. When asked about his favorite resource on campus, he immediately said the faculty. Davi said, “If I have any questions about anything inside of my courses, I know I can talk to a professor who has a PhD in that.” When his question leads him to a faculty member that he doesn’t know, he isn’t deterred. He has been known to reach out to different professors in search of answers, even those he hasn’t taken classes from. It’s his dedicated search for knowledge and understanding that helps him stand out.
When Davi isn’t on campus working hard on his education, he likes to learn more about the world around him. One of his favorite things to do is watch documentaries about geopolitics where he can learn about different cultures, places, and how people around the world act. Recently, Davi has been particularly interested in the Hasidic Judaism community and has enjoyed learning more about their culture. Along with geopolitics, Davi really enjoys food. His favorite place to eat in Provo is Nico’s Pizza followed by ice cream from the Creamery.
When asked what makes him feel like he belongs here at BYU, Davi mentioned both his job and the IMMERSE program. The IMMERSE program is a multi-year undergraduate research program where students learn how to excel in different groups, develop excellent presentation skills, all while broadening their exposure to different types of research practices. Davi is one of the few Electrical Engineering students who has the opportunity be a part of this program. He loves how it has allowed him to connect with lots of different people, especially faculty, as well as being involved in projects outside of the research in which he is currently involved.
The advice Davi wants to give engineering students is to reach out when you need it. He said, “If you just take your classes, be quiet, and don’t get involved like getting a job or joining any groups, then you won’t have as great of an experience as you could have.” He urges students to use the resources that the college offers. Davi suggests for everyone to join a study group, talk to faculty members, get a research assistant job, and just get involved. It will make your college experience better.
We are so fortunate to have you as part of our community, Davi!