Apply to These Scholarships in 2023 Skip to main content

Apply to These Scholarships in 2023

Want some help paying for college? Check out this list we complied of engineering scholarships outside of BYU.

The search for scholarships can be exhausting—we get it. To lend a hand, we compiled a list of scholarships available for undergraduate and graduate students. Whether you're a freshman or senior, a master’s or PhD student, there’s a scholarship here for you. Before going through the list, make sure that you’ve checked out the engineering scholarships that BYU offers. We encourage all students to further their search for financial assistance by searching for scholarships from their hometown/area, or, finding other scholarships unique to them (i.e., minority scholarships, first generation college student, etc.). Many scholarships get overlooked and have few applicants, so don’t hesitate to apply!

Note: Information includes only that which has relevance to BYU engineering students.

Undergraduate Scholarships

NHA Past Chairs' Legacy Scholarship

Deadline: February 15
Scholarship amount: $2,500

  • Undergraduate sophomore or junior who will be a junior or senior in fall semester
  • Program study is related to the waterpower industry, including engineering majors
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0

BMW/SAE Engineering Scholarship

Deadline: February 28
Scholarship amount: $1,500

  • Incoming freshman
  • Major in engineering with an interest in mobility and advanced or emerging technologies such as (but not limited to) automate and unmanned, connectivity, cybersecurity, shared or micro mobility and/or electrification, quantum computing, or blockchain
  • Participation in a STEM-related extracurricular activity/club or employment/shadowing that relates to your intended engineering major
  • Minimum cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.75
  • U.S. citizen

Arsham Amirikian Engineering Scholarship

Deadline: March 1
Scholarship amount: $2,500

  • Has high schools diploma and plans to attend or attends an accredited engineering school
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • U.S. citizen

The Gladys Carol Scholarship Program

Deadline: March 31
Scholarship amount: up to $5,000

  • Major in STEM
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.75
  • Minimum 1300 SAT score or 28 ACT score
  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident

Desk and Derrick Educational Trust Scholarship

Deadline: April 1
Scholarship amount: varies but assists with tuition and books

  • Completed at least two years of schooling or are currently enrolled in second year
  • Enrolled full-time
  • Seeking career in petroleum, energy or allied industry, or research and development of alternative fuels such as coal, electric, solar, wind hydroelectric, nuclear, and ethanol
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2
  • Demonstrates need for financial assistance
  • U.S. or Canadian citizen

RTF Cyber Security Scholarship

Deadline: April 14
Scholarship amount: $1,000

  • Major in computer technology related field, with a focus on security
  • Grew up or attended high school in a rural community in U.S.

Betty Stevens Frecknall Scholarship

Deadline: May
Scholarship amount: unknown

  • Major in computer science/CIS/MIS/IT
  • Enrolled full-time
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • U.S. citizen

RTK Scholars Program

Deadline: May 31
Scholarship amount: $1,500

  • Undergraduate freshman, sophomore, or junior
  • Major in engineering
  • Seeking career in science and environmental studies
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident

WIA Foundation Scholarships

Deadline: June 21
Scholarship amount: $2,000

  • Completed at least one and a half years of schooling
  • Entering junior or senior year
  • Seeking career in aerospace field
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Female of any citizenship or nationality

Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship

Deadline: September 1
Scholarship amount: up to $9,500; receive paid summer internship opportunities at NOAA facilities across the U.S.

  • Full-time 2nd year student in four-year program; 3rd year student in five-year program; community college or transfer student applying to four-year institution
  • Major in discipline including but not limited to oceanic, environmental, biological, and atmospheric sciences; mathematics, engineering, remote sensing technology, computer and information science, physical and social sciences including geography, physics, hydrology, geomatics, or teacher education that support NOAA's programs and mission
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, as well as 3.0 major GPA
  • U.S. citizen

AIST Scholarships

Deadline: October 2
Scholarship amount: $2,500

  • Undergraduate freshman, sophomore, or junior, or an undergraduate senior planning to attend graduate school
  • Major in engineering, engineering technology, computer science, or safety or industrial hygiene programs
  • Enrolled full-time
  • Applicants working full-time do not qualify
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
  • Citizen of USMCA country (USA, Mexico, Canada)

ASNT Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship

Deadline: December 15
Scholarship amount: $3,000

  • Major in engineering
  • Active interest nondestructive testing and evaluation field

Graduate Scholarships

Norman S. Baldwin Fishery Science Scholarship

Deadline: January 6
Scholarship amount: $3,000

  • Master or PhD student
  • Proposed research topic is relevant to Great Lakes fishery research

A&WMA International Scholarships

Deadline: January 16
Scholarship amount: varies

  • Full-time graduate student pursuing study and research leading to careers in air quality, waste management, or environmental management/policy/law

Gloria Barron Wilderness Society Scholarship

Deadline: April 24
Scholarship amount: $25,000

  • Academic and/or career goals focused on making significant positive difference in the long-term protection of wilderness in U.S.

Charles LeGeyt Fortescue Scholarship

Deadline: May 1
Scholarship amount: stipend carrying up to $24,000

  • First-year, full-time graduate student
  • Bachelor's in electrical engineering
  • U.S. resident

Undergraduate & Graduate Scholarships

DoD SMART Scholarship

Deadline: January
Scholarship amount: covers tuition and provides a stipend, along with other benefits

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Degree in chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, or other disciplines listed on site
  • Able to complete at least one summer internship
  • Willing to accept post-graduation employment with DoD
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • U.S., Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, or U.K. citizen

NASF Scholarship

Deadline: national deadline in January
Scholarship amount: $1,500

  • College junior, senior, or graduate student
  • Major in subjects related to surface science, including chemical engineering and others
  • Undergraduate must have minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and graduate must have minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3

SME Education Foundation Scholarships

Deadline: February 1
Scholarship amount: varies

  • Degree in manufacturing engineering, technology, or closely related field
  • U.S. or Canadian citizen or permanent resident

ISA Scholarships

Deadline: February 28
Scholarship amount: varies

  • Student enrolled for 2024 academic year in program in instrumentation, systems, or automation discipline
  • Attends an educational institution in their country of residence

AGA Galvanize the Future: a Richard L. Brooks Memorial Scholarship

Deadline: March 31
Scholarship amount: $2,500

  • Degree in civil engineering or construction management
  • Enrolled part- or full-time

IFMA Foundation Scholarship Program

Deadline: May 1
Scholarship amount: $1,500 to $10,000

  • Degree in facility management or related field
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2
  • Applicants awarded a scholarship are required to attend IFMA's World Workplace Conference and Exhibition in Anaheim, CA October 20 to 22 in the IFMA Foundation activities

SMRP Scholarships

Deadline: June 3
Scholarship amount: $2,000 to $10,000

  • Varies. See site for more details

Roy E. Jorgensen Memorial Scholarship

Deadline: July 31
Scholarship amount: $15,000

  • Degree in civil engineering
  • U.S. citizen

GAC Scholarships

Deadline: September 10
Scholarship amount: $2,000

  • Degree in project management or related field
  • Undergraduate students enrolled full-time and graduate students enrolled at least half-time and completed one semester

2023 National Space Club and Foundation Keynote Scholar

Deadline: November 15
Scholarship amount: $15,000

  • Major in STEM
  • Seeking STEM career

AREMA Scholarships

Deadline: December 16
Scholarship amount: $1,000 to $2,500

  • Must have completed on semester
  • Interested in railway engineering
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5

AWWA Scholarship Program

Deadline: unknown
Scholarship amount: varies

  • Interest in the water industry

Brown and Caldwell Minority Scholarship

Deadline: unknown
Scholarship amount: $5,000

  • College junior, senior, or graduate student
  • Major in civil, chemical, mechanical, electrical, or environmental engineering
  • Enrolled full-time
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Identify as member of minority group (e.g., African American, Hispanic, Asian, or Pacific American or Alaska Native)
  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident

SVC Foundation Scholarships

Deadline: varies
Scholarship amount: up to $5,000

  • Preference given to engineering, physics, materials science, and other majors related to vacuum coating

This list is not comprehensive. We encourage you to search for more scholarships, fellowships, and programs available to engineering majors. For scholarships that have passed, check back for the 2024 deadline.