Bryant is one of two Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH) working for the university who function to protect individuals at the University from health and safety hazards. His experience in the health and safety field has been accumulated since 1998.
The College Health & Safety Officer (CHSO) can help identify workplace hazards and evaluate your exposure to those hazards. Evaluations include those pertaining to exposure to workplace contaminants such as chemicals, particulate, and noise. Once an exposure evaluation has been performed, the Health & Safety Officer will suggest solutions to help control exposure to the hazards. The CHSO is familiar with OHSA and university regulations that apply to the college, and is qualified to assess compliance. He is also available to help you with your training responsibilities. In short, the CHSO is ready and willing to help you to better manage the risks associated with the work that you supervise, in order to create and maintain a safe work environment.
What is an Industrial Hygienist?
“Industrial hygiene is the science of protecting and enhancing the health and safety of people at work and in their communities. Health and safety hazards cover a wide range of chemical, physical, biological and ergonomic stressors. Those scientists, dedicated to anticipating, recognizing, evaluating and controlling those hazards are known as Industrial Hygienists. They are professionals dedicated to the well-being of people – at work, at home and in the community.” (
Bachelor of Science – Industrial Hygiene (Utah State University)
Master of Business Administration (University of Maine)