New Degrees: Manufacturing Engineering Skip to main content

New Degrees: Manufacturing Engineering

The Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering added Manufacturing Engineering undergraduate and graduate degree programs during the fall semester of 2019. It will now be the only university regionally that has both undergraduate and graduate degrees in Manufacturing Engineering. Formerly known as Manufacturing Engineering Technology, the new program is opening doors for students interested in a variety of areas.

This degree will give students the ability to transform materials into products in automotive, aerospace, electronics, food processing, medical, military sectors, and more. It will also increase opportunities for graduates seeking careers in manufacturing, quality and testing, design, and more.

One major shift in this new program is that it now has more rigorous math, science, and analytics classes as part of its focus and is accredited by ABET. ABET accreditation is recognized worldwide, and therefore ensures that the educational experience meets the standard for technical education on a global level. Many licensures and jobs often require graduation from an ABET-accredited program as a minimum qualification.

“Manufacturing is coming back to the U.S. … It is a recognized need, so it opens up opportunities for students in employment, in internships, and to compete at a higher level,” said department chair, Tracy Nelson.

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