Dedicated to innovation: Engineering Building Dedication recap Skip to main content

Dedicated to innovation: Engineering Building Dedication recap

Inside Look: BYU Engineering Building and Engineering Research Laboratory
BYU's Engineering Building and Engineering Research Laboratory were dedicated Dec. 4, 2018 by Elder David A. Bednar, member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

BYU's Engineering Building and Engineering Research Laboratory were dedicated Dec. 4, 2018 by Elder David A. Bednar, member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Brigham Young University’s new Engineering Building is home to far more than traditional classrooms.

The 180,000 square-foot, 5 story-high building features state-of-the-art research labs, experiential learning spaces, and classrooms equipped with tools for modern pedagogy.

Dedicated December 4, 2018 by Elder David Bednar, member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the building helps meet the tremendous growth BYU’s College of Engineering has experienced in the last four decades and offers students boundless learning opportunities.

Watch the full Engineering Building Dedication here. 

“Our excitement for this new facility is not just about additional space to accommodate growth,” College of Engineering Dean Michael A. Jensen said. “It’s about the new capabilities essential to our efforts to train the next generation of engineers.”

With new spaces for students and faculty to learn and work in innovate settings, the new building facilitates peer-to-peer learning, leadership experience and student opportunities.

The building houses a variety of research laboratories, experiential learning spaces, project bays, team rooms and a student club commons area in additional to classrooms and offices.

BYU President Kevin Worthen paid tribute to engineering pioneer and first dean of the College of Engineering, Harvey Fletcher, during his remarks.
"Thanks is also due to those who—long before any of us were involved at BYU—laid the foundation for the outstanding engineering programs this building will house," Worthen said.

During the dedicatory prayer, Elder Bednar recognized the generosity of donors who funded the building.

“We thank Thee for the munificent contributions from individuals and families that have made these beautiful structures possible,” Elder Bednar said. “May the faith and commitment of those who benefit from these gifts be equal to the faith in commitment of those who have given these gifts.”

Elder Bednar also blessed the Engineering Building as a place of inspired learning for students and faculty who will study and work in it.

“We pray that the individuals who use these buildings may be filled with a spirit of curiosity and inquiry, of creativity and innovation, of pondering and learning, of insight and revelation, and of perseverance and joyfulness,” Elder Bednar said.

Watch the full Engineering Building Dedication here. 

Read President Worthen's remarks here.

Read the full text of Elder Bednar’s Engineering Building Dedicatory Prayer here.