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Faculty/Staff Experiential Learning Summit Series: February

Friday, February 12


9:00 A.M. (MST)
Recruiting and Engaging Specific Populations in Mentoring – Minority, First Generation, International, etc.
Alisha Redelfs, Assistant Professor, Public Health in the College of Life Sciences, BYU

11:00 A.M. (MST)
Building Your Own Mentoring Model – “If I could do it over again…”
Dr. Luke Howard, Associate Professor of Music History, School of Music, BYU; Kristie Paskvan, Associate Director of Business Development, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois

1:00 P.M. (MST)
Training Mentors to Mentor Others – Delegation, Maintaining Institutional Memory, and Accountability
Dr. Jamie Jensen, Associate Professor, Biology, BYU; Jacob Kinsey, Senior Associate Director, Illinois Business Consulting at University of Illinois

The goal of the Experiential Learning Summit Series is to be a forum for faculty and staff to share best practices and learn from specialists in the field of experiential education. These virtual events are held monthly, the second Friday of each month through April 2021. There is a focus topic for each month and a variety of speakers are invited to present.

Contact Information
BYU Experiential Learning & Internships Office