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Weidman Center for Global Leadership

Preparing and encouraging students for their global impact

Experience Engineering

Classrooms are great places to learn. Experiences help you practice what you learned. Click the icons below to learn more about our incredible opportunities.

What is the Weidman Center?

The mission of the Weidman Center for Global Leadership is to create and provide support for experiences that help refine students’ leadership skills and global competence, preparing you for careers of influence in multi-national organizations. The Weidman Center will use resources to help you develop the three Global Leadership Core Competencies: Exceptional Problem Solving, Effective Teamwork, and Clear Oral & Written Communication.


Supporting student participation in competitions through funding and mentoring is a key Weidman Center strategy for developing leadership skills in our engineering students. Competitions provide opportunities for you and your fellow students to apply the principles you learn in classrooms to solve realistic problems, lead under pressure, and be mentored by faculty advisors and others. Below are some of the competitions other students have participated in.

Spaceport America Cup

It's not rocket science... it's rocket engineering: BYU's Rocketry Team wins big again.
The BYU Rocketry Team is literally having a blast.
Last year the group of engineering students won the world’s largest collegiate rocket competition for the first time in history. This year they decided they liked winning so much, they found themselves on the podium three times...

Shell Eco-marathon

BYU Supermileage Team Exceeds 2000 mpg, Takes Top Spot at Shell Eco-marathon.
After a miraculous win last year at the Shell Eco-marathon, the team worked to secure a record-breaking win for BYU. The BYU Supermileage Team took home the first place award in Prototype Internal Combustion, creating a winning streak after last year's win at the Shell Eco-marathon with a recorded consumption rate of 2,340.77 mpg— 424.94 mpg better than the previous year.

Student Civil Engineering Championship

Don’t sink, or you’ll have to swim: Collegiate concrete canoe competition (yes, it’s a thing) comes to BYU.
It’s summer, so naturally students are spending a lot of time out on the water in kayaks, paddle boards and canoes. If you’re an engineering student, apparently those canoes have to be made out of concrete.

Study Abroads

Study abroad programs allow you to experience how different cultures and socio-economic conditions impact engineering design and decision-making. BYU Engineering departments offer technical programs each year. They are directed by college faculty, and the Weidman Center provides scholarships for all engineering majors who participate. The scholarship amounts vary by program and do not require an extra application process —students accepted will receive the scholarship that relates to that program.

If you find an engineering-specific international internship, you may apply for a Weidman Center International Internship Scholarship.
These BYU Engineering students' study abroad program to Singapore helped them think differently and solve real problems in a global environment.

There are a wide range of Study Abroad opportunities for you to explore. For example: for nearly a decade, BYU students have visited the Dominican Republic. Students have worked to develop and implement hydro-informatics, expand Dominicans' water management capabilities, and improve their resilience against floods and droughts. In 2019, 17 students continued this legacy and visited the Dominican Republic for a week to conduct research and develop hydro-informatics systems.


The Weidman Center offers workshops each semester for you and your fellow engineering students to learn new leadership skills. Experts from campus and elsewhere share principles and experiences in a relaxed environment where you can ask questions and participate in interactive exercises. Workshops are free. An RSVP is required.

Leadership Workshop Series for 2024- 2025:

Develop exceptional problem solving, effective teamwork and clear communication by attending the Leadership Workshop series this fall and winter. These workshops also count toward Requirement 2 of the Leadership Certificate.*

All workshops will take place in the EB Event Space

* Post-workshop surveys must be submitted via Learning Suite before the 48-hour period deadline for attendance to count.

I remember leaving feeling motivated and uplifted. I felt like engineering was something I could really do and I wanted to give it everything I had.
Christina Goodman, workshop attendee

Innovation Events

The Weidman Center promotes innovation by providing opportunities for students to engage in the design process. This is accomplished through hosting events like Student Innovator of the Year.
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Student Innovator of the Year (SIOY)

The BYU College of Engineering hosts a student competition each year in partnership with the BYU Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology. The annual SIOY competition has kickstarted now-successful companies Khione, MyoStorm and more across its 10-year history. Competitors can receive up to $400 in funding to help with prototyping, research, etc. and are in the running for part of the total $50K in prize money.

BYU Engineering Leadership Certificate

Interested in setting yourself apart? Then, develop your leadership skills along with your technical know-how. The BYU Engineering Leadership Certificate is an extra-curricular program designed to complement your academic coursework and encourage you to get involved in out-of-classroom experiences. You can take up to three years to complete the requirements, so it is doable even for a busy engineering student like you. Click below for details.
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The Weidman Center has set aside funding to help you develop into a leader. Choose from a variety of funding opportunities to broaden your scope of what engineering really is as you get your hands dirty in real experiences that will sharpen your problem-solving, teamwork and communication skills. We look forward to helping you on your way. Click below to see what is available.
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Photo by Madeline Mortensen